Friday, October 15, 2010


I just wanted to show you some photos that I made when visiting the cottage the other day. Its gorgeous up there this year (as usual).

The trees around the cottage are just starting to change into soft Autumn yellows. There are a lot of Poplars in the woods behind the cottage.

This little mule is the prettiest I've ever seen. I had to stop and take her picture. She lives on Big Hill Road, near the cottage.

Maples are my favorite fall tree. Their black trunks and colorful leaves...gorgeous!

View of the River as you pass over the bridge just before River Road. I love this view. So peaceful.

Astors are blooming everywhere. Their soft lavender blooms contrast beautifully with the golds of the grassy fields this time of year.

Pumpkins! Need I say more?

Country Road, take me home...John Denver would have appreciated this little country road in the valley below the mountains.

I couln't resist showing off this pretty little mule again. (She's not a donkey, is she?)  Her name is Lucy. Not really. Well it might be, as she does look like a Lucy. Could also be Lulabelle...

Another beautiful Maple tree in her fall glory.

This waterfall is found right on the road called "Waterfall Road". It's on the way to my house from the cottage. I go that way on dry days when I don't mind being a little late. The road is partially unpaved, curvy and steep, so I don't go that way if the weather is wet, as it is quite slippery when wet.