The physical address is:
1075 River Road
Todd, NC 28684
(Google how to get from your house to Boone.)
Heading east from King Street/421/Tennessee towards Winston Salem (in the town of Boone):
Turn left onto 194 (between a gas station and a shopping center with Hardees, Lowe's Grocery Store and Big Lots) and go 2.9 miles
Right onto Castleford Road, (right after the tumble-down barn, above) go roughly 4.4 miles (winds around).
This is on the right, (with some junked cars, trucks and tractors which I edited out of the picture.) There's a road to the left and one to the right. Stay in the middle.
A little distance after a farm with a big house and a barn with "Elect Fox" (or something like that) on the front, you'll come to what may look to you like a fork in the road. There are usually a couple of horses on the corner by a road that goes right. Don't go right. Stay left on Castleford Road, and you pass this cute house. Yep. You see it through a row of trees along the road. Keep going. You're doing good. Not much farther...
Cross the "big" bridge over river and take the road immediately on the left which is River Road.
Go about 1 mile, past one bridge (the high water emergency bridge) to the second bridge, which is a newly built "low water" Handy Dandy Bridge. Don't let the tilting, slightly drunken appearance of our sweet bridge bother you. She's really not been in the sauce, she was engineered like that (yes, by a real engineer!). During flooding, the tilt of the bridge causes the current of the river to force the bridge down onto its supports instead of simply flipping it off of them. Cross over the bridge, and follow the gravel road to the left.
There you go. The second...the only house...on the right. (The river is on the left.)
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